Well Toto, we are NOT in Kansas anymore! I’m just going to put it out there: Moving to a new house, in a new town has kind of sucked. I’m sure in just a matter of months I’ll feel settled and really love this massive change we’ve made. But for now, moving from a rented apartment in the neighborhood in Brooklyn where I spent the last 10+ years to owning a house in a new town in the suburbs has been hard. First, my mom and I spent a solid week unpacking boxes. (My mom equals Rockstar Unpacker by the
Read More »I love books of all kinds and cookbooks are no exception. There’s nothing that makes me take stock of my books (and all my other stuff) like packing them all up to move to a new home. And guess what, dear reader? I’m living amongst boxes because the teeny tiny foodie kitchen is relocating! Sadly, we are leaving our beloved Brooklyn and moving a little bit north to become suburbanites. We’re trading an amazing view of Manhattan, a plethora of great restaurants and activities and a 5-minute walk to Whole Foods for homeownership, a driveway and a lawn. It’s all so grown up!
Read More »As a busy mom, it’s important to me to have a few recipes up my sleeve that make it quick and easy to feed myself and my family a breakfast or snack that is packed with healthy goodness. Smoothies are a perfect example—they are delicious, filled with fruit and veggies and can be on the table in minutes. For this Blueberry Avocado Smoothie Bowl, I put together ingredients that contain cancer-fighting antioxidants and healthy fats that promote heart health and reduce blood pressure. To Eliana, this is a delicious breakfast that feels like she is eating ice cream. To me, it’s a
Read More »Let’s Wash Our Hands is our newest Toddler Recipe created just for kids to follow with minimal support of a grown up. I know what you’re thinking: washing your hands isn’t a “recipe”, so what’s up? We created this recipe because clean hands are a chef’s most important tool. When our teeny tiny sous chefs are helping us in the kitchen, it’s especially essential that they have extra clean hands. Just think for a moment about all the things those teeny tiny hands touch in the span of a few minutes. Kind of gross, right? Yeah, those little hands need a good scrubbing! So go ahead and
Read More »In case you missed it, Eliana and I shared a new recipe for cookies on Monday. We experimented with these cookies quite a few times while trying to get the recipe “just right.” While we were making these cookies most recently, Eliana was inspired to create an impromptu video with tips about squeezing “wemons” (lemons) and the importance of a strainer. The evolution of this teeny tiny sous chef and her creativity in the kitchen completely amazes me. I’m so proud of her. Her lesson is now the latest video in our collection of 2 Minute Tips. Check them out on our YouTube channel!
Read More »Sometimes there are recipes that haunt me. I get an idea for something I want to make but try after try, after try I can’t get it “right.” So, I take a break and walk away from that recipe for a while to clear my head and hopefully gain inspiration for how to fix it. Today’s Monday Meal, Lemon Dusted Coconut Cookies, is one of those recipes. Eliana and I began working on this recipe in December and almost 6 months later, we (finally) nailed it. Woohoo! I LOVE these cookies and so does Eliana. (Though, to be honest, I’m
Read More »Happy Monday! Let’s Make a Green Smoothie is our latest Toddler Recipe designed to allow your little sous chef to feel empowered and independent in the kitchen! I love to make smoothies with my own teeny tiny sous chef for a few reasons. First, smoothies are a quick and nutritious way to fill our bellies for a snack or for part of breakfast or lunch. Second, smoothies can be customized to include any fruits, veggies or milk you want based on your preferences. (See the end of the recipe where we included a few of our favorite variations.) Third, kids can do most
Read More »The other day as Eliana was getting ready for a nap, she looked up at me with a shy little smile and said, “I want to make a recipe.” She went on to tell me that she wanted to make “Peanut Butter and Jelly Ice Cream Sandwiches.” I told her to think about how we would make them and that we would talk more about it after her nap. So later that day, I asked Eliana to tell me about the recipe without adding in any of my ideas. (For example, I would probably try mixing peanut butter and berries to
Read More »Let’s Make Salsa is our latest recipe created just for kids! This illustrated recipe will empower your little chef by allowing him or her to read and follow the directions and help you prepare this delicious dip. We like to enjoy this salsa with 10-Minute Quesadillas or as a dip with non-GMO corn chips. You and your little chef could create a complete “Mexi-Cali” meal by using this recipe for salsa along with the toddler recipes for quesadillas and guacamole. ¡Qué delicioso! Don’t forget that you can use the “Print This Post” button in the top right corner of the post
Read More »Sometimes I create a recipe accidentally by throwing together various ingredients I find in the kitchen. This recipe for Purée Grilled Cheese is an example. One night after I’d created a new recipe for a savory purée, I looked into the fridge to figure out what I could prepare for dinner. I saw the purée, some bread and cheese and the idea for making a grilled cheese with the vegetable purée came to mind. So here we are, a few trials and tribulations later and now I’m ready to share the recipe with you. For a while now, I’ve been
Read More »My little lady is a huge fan of pasta and so am I. Both of us love the taste and texture of pasta and we will happily eat it any time. As a busy mom I rely on pasta to assist me in getting a quick and healthy dinner onto the table that pleases everybody in the family. Pasta is such a kid-friendly starch that Eliana will try anything that is accompanied by this magic ingredient. It is easy to mix with many pantry staples I already have on hand or want to experiment with when playing around in the
Read More »Even though spring has officially sprung here in the Northeast, the cooler weather has stuck around. So I say, take advantage of the chilly moments and warm up with some delicious hot chocolate that you and your teeny tiny sous chef can make together! It just so happens that I have the perfect recipe to share with you. Don’t forget to check out more of our free, printable Toddler Recipes so you and your little one can get cooking together. Related Posts:Let's Make Guacamole: Toddler RecipeOctober #UnprocessedVery Veggie Soup: {Kids Cook} Monday MealBursting Blueberry Bok Choy Muffins: Monday MealHow To Grill
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