Today Eliana and I are sharing our newest 2 Minute Tip and this one is about washing your hands. Wait–we are sharing a tip about washing your hands? You might wonder why we created a short instructional video about this healthy behavior when we usually share recipes and food-related tips. Well, did you know that clean hands are a chef’s most important tool? Yes they are! It’s especially essential that our little kitchen helpers have extra clean hands when they assist us in the kitchen. Just think for a moment about all the things those teeny tiny hands touch in the span of a few minutes. Kind of gross,
Read More »So, I’m trying something new and that’s sharing a weekly roundup type of post where I share photos from the week that have gone out into the world via social media but haven’t appeared on the blog. This way, those of you who aren’t part of social media (I’m looking at you, Dad) can still see what the little lady and I have been up to over the week. Do you all like this? Not like it? Let me know in the comments section below or email me at [email protected]. Hopefully more people than my dad will find this interesting. 😉 So…. here
Read More »Around a month ago, I got the idea to make a crunchy brittle-like candy. After doing some research, it seemed like recipes for nut brittles typically include corn syrup. Corn syrup isn’t an ingredient I keep on hand so I searched for a recipe without it. I found this one by Average Betty and modified it to create my recipe for Coconut Almond Crackle. A couple of tips before the recipe: First, to get a truly crunchy nut brittle, you need to use a candy thermometer. I made this recipe a few times without using a thermometer and it tasted
Read More »Here’s the latest Toddler Recipe for kids to prepare with minimal support! Quesadillas are a quick and easy meal that has become a staple in our home. They take around 10 minutes to make and everyone in the family can customize his or her own quesadilla with whatever they want to include. I like to add black beans and carrots to mine, Eliana loves to add corn to hers and my hubby likes to add black beans and mushrooms to his. Today’s recipe includes a new addition to the toddler recipes: a small picture of the grown up appears in
Read More »Getting kids to eat and enjoy veggies is a mission of mine. For this reason, I was thrilled when Allison from Don’t Panic Mom invited me to join the #LoveHealthy Veggie Love Campaign this month. The purpose of this campaign is to help make vegetables more fun, inviting and, of course, delicious for the whole family! Check out the #LoveHealthy Facebook and Pinterest pages for recipes and ideas from other bloggers who have joined the campaign. For my contribution to the cause, I’m sharing a round up of some of my family’s favorite veggie packed recipes. I find that mixing
Read More »Eliana goes to preschool for a full day two days a week. Those are my dedicated “work days” to focus on teeny tiny foodie rather than every other day when I split my time between taking care of Eliana and cramming in some teeny tiny foodie work here and there. To maximize my work time on these days, I try to plan an efficient lunch for myself that consists of heating up leftovers or assembling something in 10 minutes or less. This Green Pizza is one of my go to “efficient lunches”. It’s super yummy and is packed with iron,
Read More »People often ask me how I get my ideas for recipes. Sometimes, I try to recreate a dish I had in a restaurant or that I saw on TV; sometimes I just try something wacky; and sometimes my ideas come from a desire to create a healthier version of a mainstream food. This recipe for Fast Fruity Yogurt is an example of the last type—an attempt to create a healthier version of what one can buy in the store. Many of my friends and family love to eat store-bought yogurt with fruit already mixed into it. I too love to
Read More »teeny tiny foodie has some fun and exciting news! We are now sharing short videos we call “2 Minute Tips with teeny tiny foodie.” These videos will contain quick tips and lessons pertaining to cooking, prepping and storing food. Today we are debuting these videos with: How to Wash Leafy Greens and How to Massage Kale. The links below will take you to our YouTube channel to watch them. If you have any kitchen questions or tips you want us to explain, please leave them in the comment section below or email me at [email protected]. 2 Minute Tips with teeny
Read More »I’m excited to announce a collaboration between teeny tiny foodie and Baby In Tune. Vered Benhorin is a talented musician based in Brooklyn who sings beautiful songs that bond parents and babies. I bought Vered’s first album when Eliana was just 6 months old and we still enjoy listening to it today. Vered’s second album is about to be released and it contains a song near and dear to my heart that I’m excited for you all to hear. The song, Cooking, is all about little chefs cooking. Eliana and I were lucky enough to hear the beginnings of this
Read More »This week’s Monday Meal, Rainbow Pasta, is a dish I love for a bunch of reasons. Besides being colorful and tasty, below are some of the other reasons my teeny tiny sous chef and I like to make and eat this dish. I’ve included some tips, as well. 1. You can customize this dish to use any vegetables you have on hand or that you prefer to eat. You can also enjoy it warm or cold. If you want to enjoy this dish cold, cool down your pasta by spreading it out onto a baking sheet after you’ve drained off
Read More »Have you heard about Vani Hari aka “The Food Babe?” She is a fearless food fighter who works tirelessly to elicit major changes in and expose the tricks of the American food industry. She has taken on major food companies such as Kraft, Subway, Chipotle, Chick-fil-A and more to implore them to be more transparent about the ingredients, often chemicals, they put into their food and to encourage these companies to change their ingredients or practices. I’m telling you about her because she is one of my “food heroes” and she has just written a new book, The Food Babe
Read More »This fruity milkshake is a delicious, heart-healthy treat your teeny tiny sous chef can help make as a nutritious snack or dessert! You can use any frozen fruit you like but we like to use strawberries, cherries or raspberries for a beautiful pink color in honor of Valentine’s Day. Make a vegan version using unsweetened almond milk or unsweetened soy milk. Related Posts:Simple Grilled SwordfishOur Visit to Gotham Greens and a SURPRISE #GothamGreensGiveaway!We love the LoveTomato & Corn SaladGreen Hummus: {Meatless} Monday MealSuper Easy Asian Marinade & Sauce with Recipe Ideas
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