A couple of months ago, I bought a new cookbook. It’s called Fresh Food Fast by Peter Berley and Melissa Clark. I’ve tried a number of recipes from here and loved them all. There are several that I have made a bunch of times. After I’ve made a recipe a couple of times, I tend to make little changes here and there. Sometimes I do this to experiment with a new taste. Sometimes it is because I’m missing an essential ingredient to the recipe and have to scramble for a suitable replacement. Below is my “unintentional” variation on Peter Berley’s
Read More »Well, I’ve done it! I’ve literally eaten my words. I figured out how to make yellow squash taste good! Yes, I know, you’re shocked, right? Especially since I spent the better part of a post a few weeks ago complaining about how gross squash is and how it is everywhere blah, blah, blah. So, here is how it all happened… At the farmer’s market a few Sundays ago I was scouting out the vegetables when a gorgeous yellow caught my eye. I looked at it for a moment, dumbstruck. Nooo! Waaaay! It was freakin’ yellow squash! And it looked beautiful
Read More »Here’s the white bean salad I made for lunch the other day. As you will see from the photos, Eliana loved the tomatoes and corn. She wasn’t really into the cannellini beans. Next time I think I’ll use northern beans or chickpeas. She has had both before and liked them. Also, I will finely chop the kale. She had a hard time swallowing the kale in this salad. Live and learn, right? White Bean Salad · 1 can white beans, drained and rinsed (northern beans, cannellini beans or chickpeas) · 1 handful of baby kale, finely chopped · 1 tomato,
Read More »Who needs a traditional teething toy when a piece of rosemary works just fine? Eliana and I harvested a bit of rosemary today for a bean salad I made for her dinner. (Recipe coming soon.) As I was cutting some sprigs, Eliana grabbed a leaf and stuck it in her mouth. And then proceeded to roam around chewing on it until she spit it out to eat lunch. Crazy Little Lady! Rosemary rocks! Haha! I have some and YOU don’t! What do you mean I’m supposed to chomp on a pacifier instead. Puh-leeze, Woman! You don’t call me teeny tiny
Read More »Last week my mother-in-law, Lauren, asked me what to do with quinoa. That question inspired me to make this recipe for dinner for Matt and me the other night. I had wanted to make a salad with some fresh veggies we had. I figured that if I added a little “bulk” and some “protein”, I could call it a one-pot-meal. Enter quiona. It is both bulk and protein. A-ha! Before serving it to Eliana for lunch the next day, I cut the vegetables and halloumi cheese into smaller pieces. That took a lot of time. In the future, I think I’ll grate
Read More »To me, part of making Eliana a teeny tiny foodie is teaching her not just to like a variety of tastes and textures but to have an interest in where her food comes from. On Mondays, we take our weekly trip to the grocery store and as we gather our goods I talk to her about all the foods we see and buy. We stop to touch, smell and, in her case, taste the green beans- see photo below. Or, whatever it is that we are looking at. A view from above. She’s in the carrier as we do our
Read More »I’m not always the best vegetarian. I could blissfully live on cheese and carbs alone. (Um, and some wine too, for sure.) So, over the last few years, I’ve been working on getting myself to like vegetables I haven’t liked in the past. One vegetable at the top of that list has been squash. Any color, any season, any preparation. It just didn’t do it for me. Blech! To make it even more annoying, many restaurants serve squash as their token vegetarian entrée. But, beyond the fact that squash is everywhere, I know it is good for me. I believe
Read More »The whole wheat muffins were a hit! Mmm, muffins! Wait, you made them? Whoop! Whoop! Those are gooood. You got any more? Oh wait, I think some fell into this pocket thing. You rock Mommy! Related Posts:Who needs a teething toy?Massaged Kale Salad with Roasted Beets: {Meatless} Monday MealZucchini Mint PuréeReview: Curious Chef 6 Piece Fruit & Veggie Prep KitPurée Parfaits: {Meatless} Monday MealPeppery Peach Purée
Read More »I found this blog recently called 100 Days of Real Food which I find very intriguing for a lot of reasons. Not only is it full of tips on how to eat more healthfully and mindfully, but there are lots of yummy looking recipes on the blog, too. I decided to try one today: whole wheat muffins with fruit. I mean, they look ridiculously good, right? I changed up two things from the actual recipe: I substituted maple syrup for the honey and instead of 1½ cups of whole-wheat flour, I used 1 cup of whole-wheat flour and ½ cup of
Read More »This post is a bit of a departure from the norm since it isn’t really about what Eliana eats. But, last week she turned 1-year-old. (1! Holy crap!!) So, I think this event is worthy of a departure…Her “Baby Pool Party” was all set to happen out on our deck. A rain date would be announced if needed since there is no way we were going to be able to fit 50 people in our apartment! Now, I know that this was Eliana’s first birthday party and she wouldn’t remember it and this party is really for the adults yeah,
Read More »Eggs are one of Eliana’s favorite foods. She will eat them any way they are served. I like eggs too, so I often make eggs as an easy go-to protein for our lunch during the week. Typically, I make a frittata for brunch over the weekend and, sometimes, I even make one for dinner. Eggs are relatively inexpensive, easy to cook and loved by this family so I keep a few dozen in the fridge. I typically like to buy Nature’s Yoke brand or the store brand of one of our local stores, Fairway– just as long as the eggs
Read More »I wonder if my teeny tiny foodie has been confused about her nickname. Maybe she thinks I’m saying teeny tiny footie instead? I’ll just help myself to a snack while I wait for lunch. Related Posts:An Apple A DayPurée Parfaits: {Meatless} Monday MealCrispy Apple Chips: {Meatless} Monday MealThere's No Place Like HomePlay with Your Food!Sweet & Spicy Citrus Salad: {Meatless} Monday Meal
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