Lately when I’ve made muffins, I’ve used this recipe I found on the blog 100 Days of Real Food. But today, I wanted to try something new. So, I used this recipe I found on Here are the changes I made to the recipe: · Instead of 1½ cups of all-purpose flour, I used 1 cup of whole-wheat flour and ½ cup of all-purpose flour. · I only had 1 banana so instead of 2 bananas and 1 medium apple, I used 1 banana and 1 large Crispin apple. The apple was really juicy so I added the juice to the wet ingredients
Read More »Eliana is a pasta loving fool just like her Mommy. If I allowed it, she’d blissfully eat pasta for three meals plus one snack each and every day. (And really, so would I!) Obviously, I don’t serve her pasta all day every day. But I know that when pasta is served, it will be gobbled up with no questions asked. What I didn’t expect was to feed her a third serving of pasta for dinner tonight! Now that fall is setting in and the weather is cooler, I decided I should use the remaining basil from our garden sooner rather
Read More »On Tuesday afternoons, Eliana and I have a standing play date with our friends Meghan and Miles. This Tuesday, Meghan and I were swapping food stories and she told me that Miles currently loves mashed potatoes. That night I was thinking about new recipes and foods for Eliana. I got to thinking: Has Eliana eaten mashed potatoes? She has certainly had potatoes over the last 16 months. I made her a kale and potato puree when she was newly eating solids and she’s had my potato leek soup, too. At restaurants she’s had roasted potatoes and tried french fries, but she hasn’t necessarily
Read More »Here’s a recipe I make for myself and Eliana as a quick and yummy snack. I think it could also be a tasty breakfast, or, you can even substitute vanilla ice cream for the yogurt and call it dessert! Greek Yogurt with Cinnamon and Warm Apples · ¼-½ cup of Greek yogurt (I like the full-fat Fage brand for Eliana) · 1 small apple, peeled and chopped · Cinnamon to taste Put the apple chunks into a small bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon and stir. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and microwave for around 15-20 seconds until the apples are
Read More »Since Eliana began eating solids, 9-10 months ago, I’ve been cooking all of her food. At this point, I cook almost every day and many days I cook multiple times a day. To make life easier, Eliana and I often eat the same thing for lunch. Hel-lo? Who has time to make a different meal for each of us? And, more importantly, who wants to? Not me, that’s for sure! Many days, I prepare a lunch for us to share together before she goes down for a nap. Even though it sometimes takes a little longer for us to eat, I like
Read More »How did our garden grow? Wellll, apparently, a green thumb I do not have. My visions of eating a homegrown salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs did not happen. No recipes with our very own okra or squash were cooked either. Other than my being a newbie at this gardening thing, I think a few factors worked against me. First, we have a lovely, very big deck that is West-facing. It is a-ma-zing! Except for the mid- to late afternoon when the sun is so incredibly intense and it is unbearable to be outside. Those parts of the day might
Read More »One of our family traditions is to go apple picking every year. For years, Matt and I would go on a weekend in the fall and load up on apples. We’ve continued that tradition with Eliana. Here are photos from her inaugural trip to the farm last year. Don’t worry, we didn’t let her drive. Apple picking October 2011 This year she was able to be a lot more involved in the picking! Click here for a video of her picking an apple. Another family tradition: A photo of Eliana “driving.” Taking a snack break. Family Fun! Coming home with
Read More »How-To Roast Beets Ingredients: -Medium to large raw beets, cleaned and dried Preparation: Heat the oven to 425°. Wrap each beet in tin foil and place them in a baking dish or roasting pan. Roast for around 1 hour, or until fork tender. Let them cool until you can peel them. Here’s the recipe I use for roasting beets without foil. Roasted beets will keep in the fridge in a sealed container or bag for 4-5 days. I recommend not chopping them until you plan to use them so they do not dry out.  
Read More »If you’ve been reading my posts about the teeny tiny foodie over the last several months, then you know that Eliana LOVES eggs. Since I make a lot of them, I’m always looking for new recipes using eggs. I’ve also been trying to make sure that I use all of our food before it goes bad and goes to waste. That may seem like an obvious goal, but for me it wasn’t always accomplished. I’d forget about produce in the fridge only to find it again after it was way past its prime. I hate the idea of wasting our
Read More »Typically during a meal, Eliana and I sit at the table and she feeds herself off her tray. We “talk” about what we are eating, what’s been happening that day or upcoming events. But, sometimes we get a little goofy and silly. At times, I even let her play around a little bit while she eats. I will let the pictures below tell most of this story. Lately, she has been really excited about her new OXO Tot brand high chair and likes to explore it, even when she isn’t eating. Sometimes these explorations continue into mealtime. Thankfully, the baked
Read More »A couple of months ago, I bought a new cookbook. It’s called Fresh Food Fast by Peter Berley and Melissa Clark. I’ve tried a number of recipes from here and loved them all. There are several that I have made a bunch of times. After I’ve made a recipe a couple of times, I tend to make little changes here and there. Sometimes I do this to experiment with a new taste. Sometimes it is because I’m missing an essential ingredient to the recipe and have to scramble for a suitable replacement. Below is my “unintentional” variation on Peter Berley’s Chilled Cucumber Soup with
Read More »Chickpea and Tomato Salad – 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed – 1 handful of parsley, finely chopped – 1-2 red tomatoes, chopped – 1 yellow tomato, chopped – 2 scallions, white parts only, chopped – Fresh herbs, chopped (I used rosemary) – Garlic powder and chili powder to taste – Lime dressing Make the dressing and set it aside. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix. Adjust seasoning as needed. Happy Cooking! Related Posts:Asparagus Chive Risotto: Monday MealLet's Make a Fruity Milkshake: Toddler RecipeKitchen Sink Strata: Monday MealBursting Blueberry Bok Choy Muffins: Monday
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