My rendition of Smitten Kitchen’s Cauliflower Gratin
I’ve been eyeing this recipe from Smitten Kitchen for a few weeks now and I and finally made it the other night. I had been combing my local farmers market looking for brightly-hued cauliflowers to use but wasn’t finding any. Since all the varieties of cauliflower taste the same, using regular cauliflower would be totally fine, but the bright pops of color from the purple and gold cauliflowers just seemed more fun. And, I figured fun colors would be more appealing to my teeny tiny foodie, Eliana.

So, when Matt found a huge purple cauliflower and a green Roman cauliflower the other day, I knew fate had stepped in and said:
Jory, it’s time to cook this dish.
And how was it? OH, HOLY DELICIOUSNESS!!!

Here’s a link to the recipe: Smitten Kitchen’s Cauliflower Gratin
It was so simple, yet elegant, that it seemed like a good idea to share in case you’re still looking for a dish to serve over the holidays.
- Slight alterations I made were:
- -Instead of white flour, I used whole wheat flour
- -Instead of a golden cauliflower, I used a Roman (green) cauliflower
For next time, I’ll add more breadcrumbs for an even crispier top.
This recipe is really easy to prepare and can be made in stages, too. I made it over the course of two days by chopping, boiling and draining the cauliflower the night before. On the day of, I prepared the sauce and assembled all parts of the dish except the topping while Eliana napped, and left it in the fridge until dinnertime.
Eliana enjoyed hanging out at the counter while I prepared the cauliflower.

Ooh! Pretty colors!

Hmm, maybe a little sample…

Can I fit the whole thing in my mouth?
Matt and I LOVED this dish but Eliana wasn’t such a fan. I’m proud of the fact that she tasted each piece, some more than once, but she spit them right back out. So I said to her, “Your loss, Little Lady. Now give me your leftovers!”
Here’s a video of Eliana trying the gratin.
Happy Cooking!
Tags: cauliflower
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