Over the last year and a half, my husband and I have been making lots of pizzas at home using fresh pizza dough. We’ve learned a few lessons along the way that make preparing pizza at home a little easier. Making dough (and bread) intimidates me so we usually buy fresh dough from a local pizzeria or this brand from the refrigerated section of the grocery store. I’d love to hear from you! If you have any tips or suggestions to share, please add them to the comments section below or email me directly at [email protected]. General pizza-making tips and
Read More »I was recently asked to write a review of a new children’s book that just came out. The book is called End of the Rainbow Fruit Salad and it is a great, toddler-friendly recipe book. The story follows a small group of kids called the “Kitchen Club Kids” as they make a fruit salad together. I have to tell you, I LOVE this book and I’m honored that one of the authors asked me to review it. Here’s what I love about this book: -The large and engaging pictures help Little Foodies follow the story and recipe -The
Read More »A couple weeks ago, I went away with my family to a rental beach house on the North Fork of Long Island. Even though the house was advertised as having a fully stocked kitchen, I just couldn’t be without certain of my tools for a whole week. What if the tools at the house weren’t up to par? I think of this collection of tools as my “Desert Island Kitchen Tools”. See the list below for what I brought to the beach aka desert island for a week. I brought my: –Wusthof Santoku Knife –Wusthof Tomato Knife –Tovolo Spoonula
Read More »Are you looking for a quick and healthy breakfast or snack for all the Foodies in the family? Smoothies are a fast and easy choice, but not just because they are quick and tasty. They are a great choice for many reasons: 1. Smoothies are easily portable which makes them a perfect “fast food” for Foodies on the go. 2. Smoothies are so easy to make that you can save money by making them at home rather than buying them while out. I like to make them all year round using either fresh, seasonal fruit or frozen fruit when it isn’t
Read More »Sometimes it can be intimidating to figure out how to break down a watermelon. Using a small, seedless watermelon, here are some steps to (hopefully) make it easier. 🙂 How To Cube a Watermelon Materials: -A watermelon (obviously) -A large, sharp knife that you feel comfortable using -A sturdy cutting board Tips: -Always use a sharp knife -Chopping produce is easier, and much safer for your hands, if you create a flat surface on the produce to place onto your cutting board before cutting Method: First, cut the watermelon down the middle so you have
Read More »The first time I tried to make calzones at home, it was an epic failure. A tasty failure, but a failure nonetheless.* Since then, I haven’t been able to get calzones out of my head, as I can’t let a failed recipe lie. Many months later, I decided to tackle them once again. And this time, I’m proud to say, they were a delicious success. Before I share the recipe, I want to share some of the reasons I love calzones: 1. Like pasta, eggs, rice or other grains such as farro and quiona, you can custom make
Read More »With all the traveling people are doing in the next several weeks, I thought I’d share a recipe for muffins that I’m making to bring to holiday meals, as well as a list of the handheld snacks and foods that I have found to travel well, whether it is across the country, across town or across the neighborhood: -Cheese sticks -Our version of “Cheerios” –Beet pancakes from weelicious.com (I make them with whole-wheat flour and golden beets) -Whole-Wheat Apple Muffins (See recipe below) -Carrots chopped into little sticks (Bonus use: They make a great cold teething toy, too) -Mini Frittatas
Read More »Disclaimer: This post is filled with random ranting about airline travel as well as some of my current “survival tactics” when flying with Eliana. WARNING! This post contains overly processed food, BPA and PVC-filled plastics and a shudder-worthy amount of germs. Consider yourself warned. Before I travel I have to write down my “packing list.” I’m famous for making packing lists that include silly things like “this note pad” and presumably obvious things like “shoes.” (Really? Would I actually forget to pack shoes??) My list hasn’t changed so much over the years so you’d think I’d be logical about it
Read More »Regardless of our personal political views, I think we can agree that a government initiative, such as Let’s Move!, that focuses on getting, and keeping, America’s children healthy is important. I’m not suggesting that we count calories for our babies and toddlers or take out the measuring cups to enact portion control. But, I do believe that we should expose our kids to lots of fruits and vegetables from the very beginning so they grow up with a taste for these healthy foods. And, given that the latest data reports that 17% of America’s children are considered “obese,” I don’t think this is a problem
Read More »I think we can all agree that this whole parenting thing is beautiful, amazing and hard as sh!t. Personally, I feel like any time I “figure something out” such as a nap schedule, what a certain gesture or grunt means, or how to deal with a tantrum, everything changes and my “go to” moves no longer work. I usually get about ten days to two weeks of feeling like “I got this” before it all implodes in my face. Sigh. But, this is not a Mommy Venting about How Hard Parenting Is type o’ blog. So, I will change the
Read More »Over the summer, Matt and I had a few date nights at home when we cooked pizza together. Previously, I’d always used pre-cooked pizza dough, but this summer we began using fresh pizza dough instead that we bought from the refrigerated section of the grocery store. We prefer to use whole-wheat dough like this one. Below are some tips and tricks we learned these last few months about cooking pizza using fresh dough, cooking it on the grill and baking it in the oven. Recipes are at the bottom of the post. General pizza-making tips and lessons learned when
Read More »For the last 6-8 weeks or so, Eliana has not been too keen on eating anything I try to feed her off a spoon. She is deeply offended by this concept. Why should she allow me to feed her when she can feed herself? She is a very independent little person. So, a new challenge has been figuring out what to do with all the frozen purees so she will eat them. Occasionally, she will let me feed her. But, it is either a puree she really loves and doesn’t care that I have to put it into her
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