I love this recipe for a couple of reasons. First, I love it because it is a tasty and healthy way to get a mix of vegetables into a dish all at one time. Second, you can customize it however you like by using the vegetables and cheeses you prefer. Just swap out the cheeses and/or vegetables for what you have or like better. Baked Penne with Roasted Vegetables Adapted from Giada De Laurentiis -1 small to medium yellow onion, chopped -1 carrot, peeled and chopped -1 parsnip, peeled and chopped -1 cauliflower, cut into smallish florets
Read More »Recently, I was playing around in the kitchen and working on a recipe for banana muffins. Well, I got a little carried away and maybe a little cocky, and I created…a total miss! Wah-wah. So, after pouting for a day or two, I made some revisions to my recipe, channeled my frustration and tried, tried again! Having bananas in the apartment that were turning a bit brown certainly added to my motivation, too. And now, I’m proud to share my new and improved, revised recipe for Whole Wheat Banana Bread! Suck it, First Batch! Whole Wheat Banana
Read More »Here’s another early recipe in case you’re still looking for something kind of special to make for New Year’s Eve or day. This recipe is super easy, but roasting the beets can take around an hour and a half, so you want to think ahead with your timing… There are some perfect flavor pairings out there and, to me, beets with goat cheese is one of them. I first ate this combination with pasta at a nearby restaurant last year. I’ve been on a beet kick this season, and I wanted to try making them into something other than
Read More »I’ve been eyeing this recipe from Smitten Kitchen for a few weeks now and I and finally made it the other night. I had been combing my local farmers market looking for brightly-hued cauliflowers to use but wasn’t finding any. Since all the varieties of cauliflower taste the same, using regular cauliflower would be totally fine, but the bright pops of color from the purple and gold cauliflowers just seemed more fun. And, I figured fun colors would be more appealing to my teeny tiny foodie, Eliana. So, when Matt found a huge purple cauliflower and a
Read More »When I was a preschool teacher, a favorite spot of the kids in the classroom was the dramatic play center. I think this was true partly because of all the cool stuff that it was stocked with, but also because little kids are learning about how the world works when they play in that center. During dramatic play, little kids learn through playing, role-playing and re-enacting what they’ve seen happen in the world. This helps them to process and understand what they’ve seen people do and heard people say. Like most humans, toddlers learn by watching and then doing
Read More »If you’ve been reading teeny tiny foodie over these last many months, then you might know that I don’t eat chicken but I do cook it for Eliana. Let me tell you that it is really weird to put a dish out into the world and have absolutely no clue about how it tastes. Also, I constantly revise the recipes that I prepare based on how they taste after each preparation in order to improve the dish, so to not taste the chicken and make revisions is pretty challenging for me. To determine if the baked chicken that
Read More »Vegetable and Bean Chili has been one of my staples for years. It isn’t hard to prepare, the ingredients are inexpensive to buy, it keeps well in the freezer, and a large pot of it can easily feed a crowd. It is a very low-maintenance meal to prepare, too. It can hang out, simmering on the stove unattended, for a while. Which is perfect since I spend lots of time running around after a small person and can forget about silly things like, oh the food that is cooking on the stove. I also love that I can throw in
Read More »One of my cooking dreams came true the other day: Eliana and I officially cooked together for the first time! Yay! Over the last many months, she has certainly spent time in the kitchen with me while I cook, but she hasn’t really been so engaged in the process. But, now that she has a big step stool that lets her stand at counter height, she can get in on the action! This little moment represents another piece in my process of creating a teeny tiny foodie: Get your little foodie into the kitchen while you cook. Find a way
Read More »Late night at work? Long day at home with the kiddo(s)? Are you looking for something quick, easy, and healthy to cook for dinner tonight? Look no further because this week’s Monday Meal is just for you! Baked Codfish with Greens and Garlicky Rice can be on the table in just over half an hour. This simple, fast and healthy recipe should keep you from having to call for take-out or delivery. Baked Codfish with Greens and Garlicky Rice -1¼ pounds codfish fillets -3 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed -1 bunch leafy greens such as spinach, kale or bok choy,
Read More »Here’s what we got from the farmer’s market today: -1 hubbard squash -1 bunch collard greens -2 bunches golden beets -1 parsnip -1 bunch japanese turnips -1 rutabaga -1 bunch leeks -1 pound brussels sprouts -5 apples (crispin and fuji) -3 bosc pears Not bad for less than $30, huh? Now we just have to figure out what to do with it all! Related Posts:teeny tiny foodie will be mentioned on tv!Crispy Apple Chips: {Meatless} Monday MealThe Good, The Bad and The Messy- Part 2 (The Good and The Messy)Mini Tomato & Corn Salad Pizzas: (Meatless) Monday MealEliana's
Read More »I like to use this sauce as a topping for pancakes or french toast. It is also a great dip for fruit or a base for topping with granola. Sweet Yummy Yogurt Sauce Ingredients: -¾ cup Greek yogurt (I like to use Fage brand) -1 teaspoon pure maple syrup -1 teaspoon chia seeds (optional) Preparation: Mix the ingredients together and serve. Happy Cooking! Related Posts:Vegetable Chili: Monday MealBaby Food Recipes 4/16/12One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato...NoneFish Stick Tacos: Monday MealGreen Pancakes: Early {Kids Cook} Monday MealTio Emilio's Tortilla Española: Monday Meal
Read More »If you’ve been reading teeny tiny foodie regularly, then you probably know that since last January, when Eliana began eating solid foods, I’ve been working on making her a teeny tiny foodie. (Well, duh! It’s the name of the website). I think there are many pieces to this process, and one of them is for a little foodie to be involved in shopping for the groceries, whether they come from the grocery store, the farmer’s market or corner deli. It is especially fun when Eliana accompanies me on our weekly Sunday trip to the farmer’s market. Our farmer’s market is right
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