Yo, Peeps! Eliana here. I took over the computer while Mommy is busy so I could tell you about all the other ways to love and adore ME: your favorite teeny tiny foodie. Did you know that we’re on Instagram? You didn’t??? Well, here’s a link to our page so go check it out! And, no, I don’t care if you’re not already on Instagram. Get. On. It. NOW! And, did you know we’re on Twitter? Uh-huh. I figured you didn’t. So, here we are on Twitter, too. You can also adore me on YouTube and you don’t even have to
Read More »Guess what Eliana found at the grocery store the other day? We were walking through the produce aisle and she began vigorously pointing and grunting, “Unh! Unh! Unnnnhhhhh!” I turned and what did I see? A xuxu squash, more commonly known as chayote. How the heck did Eliana notice that, you ask? Well, remember that post from a few weeks ago about reading books about food and eating as part of her education as a teeny tiny foodie? Her book, My Foodie ABC: A Little Gourmet’s Guide by Puck features a xuxu for the letter X. Of course, we
Read More »There are many things I love about living in Brooklyn. Winter weather, however, is nowhere on that list. So, when the temperature drops and does wacky things like snow, hail and rain all in the same day I want to stay inside and stay cozy. And what do I want to do when stuck inside on a wintery day? Bake muffins with Eliana, my teeny tiny foodie, of course! Our muffin recipe is below with one tiny variation. As I was pulling out all the ingredients I realized we had barely any honey. Whoops! So, I substituted the
Read More »I saw this (original) recipe on Babble.com and it looked super easy, fast and delicious. How can I not love that combination? Before I even started cooking, I modified the recipe a bit and doubled the amount of sauce I made. We like a lot of sauce over here. But, I did end up with some extra sauce so I found some other ways to use it. I’ve added those little extras to the bottom of the recipe. Don’t like tofu? Just swap it out for your preferred protein. The star of this recipe is really the peanut sauce
Read More »One thing I’ve learned over the last year is that having a few items in the pantry at all times makes it really easy to get a meal on the table quickly. That lesson came in handy this afternoon when we came home from Eliana’s swimming class and the three of us were already hungry for lunch. For me, whole-wheat pasta is usually my fast and easy go-to meal. It is low maintenance to cook, it’s a great base for anything I want to mix into it, and it’s pretty healthy. After a quick raid of the freezer, pantry
Read More »Hey Everyone! Visit our new Tips & Ideas Page to see all of the tips and ideas I’ve gathered about creating a teeny tiny foodie. They are now all in one place for you to easily reference. Woohoo! And, feel free to add any of your own by writing them in the “Comments” box at the bottom of that page or by emailing me directly at [email protected]. Enjoy!! xo, Jory Related Posts:Eliana's Eggs in a Hole: {Kids Cook} Monday MealRecipes for Homemade PizzaBibs are made to get DirtyStone Fruit & Sage PuréeEliana's PB&J Ice Cream Sandwiches: {Kids Cook} Monday
Read More »This Monday Meal should actually be called “Monday and Tuesday Meal” since it is actually two recipes in one. You basically double the amount of food you make for the first meal and fancy-it-up a bit for a meal the next day. I’m a huge fan of putting in more effort on one day in the kitchen so I can basically not do so much the next day. So, to me, this Monday Meal is nothing short of brilliant. Spicy Fish with Sautéed Vegetables and Rice (Recipe 1) Adapted from Sandra Lee -1½ pounds fish fillets (flounder,
Read More »I know this is not a big deal and I feel a bit silly getting all bent out of shape about it. But, it’s making me so frustrated. What am I whining about? Around a month ago, Eliana began her own potato strike and has been refusing to eat them ever since. It’s like the moment she figures out that potatoes are involved in a meal–she’s done! What the heck did the potatoes do to her?? So in response, I’ve begun my own one-woman crusade for the love of potatoes. As part of this crusade I’ve made the
Read More »This post is otherwise known as: How I Got My Overtired and Massively Teething Toddler Fed and Into her Crib ASAP I had visions for how this morning would go. Eliana would nap, we’d head out to a nearby play space and then come home for lunch and more playing. Well, things didn’t quite happen that way. Instead, Eliana didn’t nap because her teeth were killing her. Then it became clear that getting out to go anywhere wasn’t going to happen because she was so overtired that she couldn’t see straight. Needless to say, there was
Read More »Peter Berley’s Recipe for Vegetable Stock Makes about 2 quarts -2 large onions, chopped into ½ inch chunks -4 carrots, peeled and cut into ½ inch chunks -2 stalks celery, chopped into ½ in chunks (include the leaves, too) -2 parsnips, peeled and chopped ½ inch chunks -2 heads garlic, unpeeled and cut in half -10 cups water -2 bay leaves -2 sprigs fresh thyme (I used parsley) In a large pot, place the onions, celery, parsnips, carrots and garlic along with the water. Bring to a boil. Skim the foam off the top of the pot
Read More »Tortilla Española is one of the most commonly served dishes in Spain. It is basically a potato omelet and is delicious served warm or at room temperature. It can be served on its own or between a sliced baguette as a bocadillo, or sandwich. As a meal, I like to serve it with a crusty whole-wheat baguette and a salad or sautéed greens on the side. We have some dear friends who live in Madrid. Mainly, one of Matt’s “brothers from another mother” named Emilio who is “Tio Emilio” to Eliana. Years ago, while I was visiting Spain,
Read More »When thinking about my “steps” for creating a teeny tiny foodie, I channel my inner teacher and what I know about curriculum planning. One thing my colleagues and I always did when planning a unit of study was to think about how we could give students a variety of experiences, across disciplines, around a topic. So, that’s what I’m doing now with my classroom of one-Eliana, the teeny tiny foodie. Now, let me clarify and say that I have not set up my own little (pre)school here and I don’t take Eliana through a series of lessons for reading,
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