Are you ready to take the challenge and cut out all processed foods this month? We are! This month, teeny tiny foodie will be joining Andrew, the brilliant blogger behind Eating Rules and founder of October #Unprocessed, along with thousands of others who are committing to cutting out all processed foods for the month of October. Intrigued? Head over to Eating Rules where Andrew outlines “The Kitchen Test” to find out more about what foods qualify for the challenge and what foods do not. There are also tons of tips and resources on the site to help you get started such as how to prepare your kitchen for this challenge, what foods qualify as “unprocessed” and delicious recipes to keep you full and satisfied. I’ll be contributing a post later this month with easy unprocessed recipes your teeny tiny sous chef can cook with you so stay tuned for that, too.
Ready? Let’s do this!
Happy #Unprocessed Cooking!
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