For some reason, it seems like retail stores have decided to skip Thanksgiving this year and go straight to the December holidays. But what about all of the delicious Thanksgiving food?? Don’t you worry, dear reader, this foodie Mama has NOT forgotten about Thanksgiving. Not at all! I’m here to bring you some delicious, meat-free options for your Thanksgiving table. Below I’m sharing some of my favorite Thanksgiving dishes that are scrumptious, mostly nutritious and satisfying to vegetarians and the meat eaters at the table. Click here for even more meat-free recipe ideas for your holiday table. Squash Macaroni
Read More »Eliana officially went back to school last week and entered the world of Pre-Kindergarten. Real school! What??!! I swear she was just this teeny tiny person only yesterday! So, then how did THIS happen? I know, I know. This is what all parents say. Anyway, last year when Eliana was in preschool she went for two full-days per week and was home with me for the other three. So, unless we had an early activity, we could be lazy and take a little longer to get out the door if we so chose. My husband had to get up and
Read More »I like to have fun in the kitchen. But I especially like to play around with recipes for muffins by adding various fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds and whole grains to the mix. Literally. It’s a fun culinary challenge to come up with different, sometimes wacky and unexpected, flavor combinations. For this recipe, though, I wanted to create something simpler, using the bare minimum of ingredients necessary to create a muffin. These Straight Up Strawberry Muffins are delicious, easy to make alone or with the help of your teeny tiny sous chef and…they have less than 1 teaspoon of sugar per
Read More »I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it again, one thing I love about eggs is that I can toss just about anything in them and make it into a meal. This week’s Monday Meal came about when I was emptying out the kitchen recently before leaving town. As I was searching around the kitchen I found a bunch of different ingredients that would need to be used before we returned. Here’s what I found: an onion, an ear of corn, and one zucchini leftover from our trip to the farmers market. I also found some leftover fresh mozzarella
Read More »The Big 3. No, not The Big 3-0, but The Big 3. My pediatrician warned me that while parents typically worry about the “Terrible Twos” they actually need to be on guard for what she calls the “Terrorist Threes”. Well, let me tell you that we are a little over a month into Eliana being officially 3-years old and I’ve coined my own term for it: the “Tyrannical Threes”. This is not to say that my sweet little lady couldn’t easily flip the switch and turn into a crazy person in an instant when she was the tender age of
Read More »Have you heard about the breakfast phenomenon that is “Overnight Oats?” Think oatmeal without the heat and without the porridge-like texture. It is a brilliant breakfast invention that cooks itself overnight with less than 10 minutes of hands-on time! It’s so freakin’ easy that I’m totally embarrassed to say that it took me a few tries to work out some kinks and get it “right.” But, as a result of my kitchen fails, I now have a recipe, and some tips, to share with you! And if you have a teeny tiny sous chef at home, he or she can
Read More »In January 2012, my daughter Eliana began eating solid foods. I was really excited to make as much of her food as possible and to introduce her to all sorts of flavors and textures in both “traditional” purées (applesauce) and “non-traditional” purées (carrot onion farro purée). I wanted to create an eater with a wide and varied palate, aka a teeny tiny foodie. Based on the advice of her pediatrician, I added little bits of spices, herbs and oils, so that her food was tasty. I let her gnaw on slices of watermelon, banana, bread and apples, too. It
Read More »You may have already guessed this, but I’m pretty obsessed with food. Yes, I love to eat food. But I also like to play around with it, create with it and try new recipes. There are usually 2-3 new recipes floating around in my head at any time. Eggs in a Hole is one of the recipes that had recently taken up residence in my mind so it was on my “cook soon” list. Then last week I began taking a childhood nutrition class* online and Eggs in a Hole was one of the recipes the professor demonstrated making
Read More »I can’t believe that my other baby (aka is two years old today! It amazes me to think that it’s already been two years since I began sharing stories, recipes and my complete OCD-ness with the world. It overwhelms me even more to think about what has happened over these last two years. Here’s a short run down. In two years there have been: -225 posts -200+ recipes -6 platforms of social media joined -1,170 fans on Facebook -361 followers on Instagram -500+ subscribers to the website -1,411 images shared -1 recipe of the day earned from Circle of
Read More »I think it goes without saying that I am the head chef in the teeny tiny foodie kitchen. Some, okay most, of the reasons I’m the one who cooks all the time, rather than my husband Matt, is because I’m a total control freak and I like things the way I like them. But also, I really like to cook and, as rude as it sounds, I’m better at it than Matt is anyway. (Sorry, Love. But, I’m pretty sure you agree with me.) Having said all that, Matt does have a specialty that, until recently, I tried really
Read More »Last year around this time, I shared a post full of ranting about the craziness regarding traveling with an 18-month old, along with some suggestions for survival. Click here to read that original post. I’m a list maker. I have tons of legal pads filled with all sorts of lists. Lists of recipes in progress, lists of things to remember or do and most of all I have packing lists. My packing list is totally crazy and OCD filled and contains things like “this notepad” because I might implode if I didn’t bring the current legal pad onto which I’m
Read More »Are you still looking for a hearty and healthy vegetarian or vegan dish for your Thanksgiving table? Want your Little Foodie age 6 months and up to have something yummy to eat on Thanksgiving, too? Click here for a list of vegetarian and vegan recipes that will make all the Foodies in the family happy. Just for fun, here are some photos from Eliana’s two Thanksgivings, so far. Ironically, neither of the photos have anything to do with this teeny tiny foodie eating. Happy Cooking! Related Posts:Creating a teeny tiny foodie 2.0How To
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