When I was growing up, during the week of Passover, my dad would always cook a special breakfast called Fried Matzoh (aka Matzoh Brei). During Passover, there are restrictions on what one is supposed to eat, and all bread products are typically replaced wtih matzoh. So, over the years, people have gotten quite creative about what to make with matzoh. One thing I find really interesting is that fried matzoh is served different ways in different families. Some families like it sweet and add sugar while others like it savory and instead add a little bit of salt. Growing up, my family always ate it as a sweet breakfast with sugar because that was how my dad ate it when he was growing up and presumably how his parents ate it, too. My husband and his family ate a savory version of fried matzoh with salt. So now in my new little family we eat it both savory and sweet. I eat it with a little natural cane sugar, my husband eats it with a little bit of salt and Eliana likes it with both. Want another idea of what to do with matzoh? Try homemade matzoh ball soup and these other Passover recipes.
- Fried Matzoh
- Yields 2-3 servings
- -7 pieces matzoh
- -2 whole eggs
- -3 egg whites
- -Approximately ⅛ cup of milk
- -Refined coconut oil/vegetable oil or butter, to taste
- -Pinch of salt, plus additional if you like savory
- -A little bit of natural cane sugar or coconut palm sugar, if you like it sweet
Break the matzoh into small pieces-around ½-inch to ¾-inch pieces and place in a large colander or strainer. Hold the container under hot running water for around 40 seconds so the matzoh begins to soften. Shake off the excess water and transfer the colander with the wet matzoh to a large bowl and cover with a plate. Let sit for around a minute. Squeeze the excess water out of the matzoh and return it to the colander.
Spill out any water that has dripped into the large bowl and add the eggs, egg whites, salt and milk to the bowl. Mix it all together and add in the matzoh. Stir well to combine.
Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat and add in the oil or butter to grease the pan. Pour in the matzoh mixture and let it cook for 40 seconds to a minute. Begin flipping over sections so it cooks on the other side and move it gently around the pan as you would scrambled eggs. Continue until the matzoh mixture is cooked through. Transfer to a plate and serve with salt, sugar or both.
Happy Cooking!
Tags: eggs, matzoh, Meatless Monday, milk, Passover
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