As you all know, I try to give Eliana as much organic produce as possible. But, my mom was telling me that some types of produce are grown with less pesticides than others. So, not all produce I give her needs to be organic. I decided to look into it. I found the website of the Environmental Working Group. Yearly, they publish a list of the “dirtiest produce” (most pesticide-laden) and the “cleanest produce” (grown with least amount of pesticides.) They call this list The Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15. I was a little surprised by some of what
Read More »teeny tiny foodie’s Top Ten Favorites (so far) Now that Eliana has been tasting and eating a variety of solids for a little while now, a few favorites have emerged. Her “favorite” is hard to determine because she will taste something and then do her “Happy Flappy” move of arms flapping, heavy panting and butt-bouncing for a bunch of foods. Sometimes a food warrants that reaction one day, and not another. But, here is the list of foods that she has definitely been excited to eat. In no particular order, here are teeny tiny foodie’s Top Ten Favorites: Guacamole Holy
Read More »We went to see the pediatrician on Tuesday for Eliana’s 9-month check-up. (9 months!!) We talked a lot about food again at this appointment. As I knew, Eliana is now supposed to eat 3 meals per day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner along with bottles around bedtime and naps. Mash rather than puree her food. Give her things like “sticks” of roasted vegetables, soft cheeses and fruit as “finger food” too. If I thought I was feeding her all day long before, I truly am now! That night, I spent a little bit of time feeling guilty and bad that
Read More »I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole experience of giving Eliana solid foods. It is humbling because it is such a huge responsibility. Not that the pregnancy or earlier Mommy-hood was easy or care-free, but teaching her to eat well and to like healthier foods can overwhelm me sometimes. I totally buy into the idea that the foods I ate while pregnant will be foods that she will like and want to eat. So, great! She will like a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and tofu. (As well as some pizza, peanut M&Ms and organic strawberry milk–strictly Organic
Read More »While Eliana napped I did some research and reminded myself how important and helpful it is for her little booty to be exposed. So, I tried letting her little butt air out. A few times now. And here’s how it went down: I put down some disposable diaper pads and kept a bunch of toys on hand to give to her or make noise with in order to distract her. It probably helped that I hovered over her and let her pull and yank on my hair as much as she wanted. Anything to help the baby, huh? Oh, yeah,
Read More »Some might think of poop as a bit of a departure from the typical content of the blog, but I figure it is related because what goes in, must come out… Eliana had an appointment at the pediatrician yesterday morning for a rash that keeps showing up on her cheek. Maybe it’s just me, but when I’m going to see her doctor, I’m armed with a bunch of questions other than whatever the appointment was booked for. So, I planned to ask about the mark on her ankle that I thought might be a burn (F****ing baseboard heater!!), as well
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